Brooklyn Baroque: The Pleasures of the French (CD)

Brooklyn Baroque: The Pleasures of the French (CD)

Code: QC1007


Normally: $16.99


Product Description


[2007, Stereo, 59 minutes]

Joseph Bodin de Boismortier: Sonata in G major for Recorder, Flute and Continuo
Michel Corrette: Sonata in E minor for Harpsichord & Flute, Op 25, No. 4
Élisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre: Sonata in G major for Flute and Continuo
Jean-Baptiste Barrière: Sonata in E major for Cello and Continuo (premiere recording)
François Couperin: Quatorzième Concert for Flute and Continuo (from Les Goûts-réünis)
Jacques Hotteterre: Sonata in B minor for Recorder, Flute and Continuo, Op. 3, No. 3

Broolyn Baroque:
Andrew Bolotowsky, Baroque flute
David Bakamjian, Baroque cello
Rebecca Pechefsky, harpsichord
Gregory Bynum, recorder
Christine Gummere, Baroque cello